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Accelerate your business by digitising document workflows

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Product Overview

Eliminate manual document processes and accelerate approvals with Adobe Sign. Now you can reduce the time it takes to onboard employees, sign nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), close sales deals, and more. With Adobe Sign, anyone in your organization can send documents for legal e-signatures with just a few clicks, and then track the status in real time. Recipients can easily sign on the dotted line via their mobile device or browser. Adobe Sign is Microsoft’s preferred e-signature solution and works inside your favorite Microsoft applications. By purchasing Adobe Sign through the Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP), you get the convenience of managing all your Adobe licenses through one central admin console.


Features and Benefits

How Adobe Sign Optimises Your Business Process

Transform approval workflows and drive ROI

Digitize paper-based workflows and increase business efficiency by adding Adobe e-signatures to the enterprise applications your organization relies on.

Create and send forms, contracts, and agreements for signature in no time, from anywhere. And make it easy for everyone to fill and sign from any device.

Speed up signing processes

Track and manage in real time

Monitor which documents are out for signature, get notifications when documents are signed, send reminders, and archive approved documents with audit trails.

Put the power of Adobe e-signatures into your existing enterprise and productivity applications by integrating with applications your organization uses everyday, such as Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Workday, and more.

Pre-built integrations for your existing business systems

Deliver documents in bulk

Send a personalized version of a single document or agreement to a large number of recipients with just a few clicks.

Go beyond signing

Do more than just send documents for approval. Adobe Sign helps you automate form creation, collaboration, payments, and document delivery.

Create documents and forms that match your corporate look and feel. Add your logo, tagline, font, and color palette to any document or form to ensure a consistent brand experience.

Ensure brand consistency

Design business processes that everyone can follow, every time. Easy-to-use visual design tools let you create custom workflows and templates that minimize mistakes and ensure consistency across your organization.

Build error-proof workflows

Verify the identity of everyone in the signing process. Adobe Sign supports multi-factor authentication, as well as digital signatures with certificate-based digital IDs.

Authenticate signers

Adobe Sign complies with the broadest range of legal requirements, the most demanding industry regulations, and the most stringent security standards around the world.

Choose the trusted e-signature solution

Get Adobe Sign

It's time to take your manual document process to the next level. Improve and accelerate your document workflow by digitising it with Adobe Sign.